Legal notices

Users’ rights and responsibilities
Information relative to ENTAV-INRA branded clones, acquired with the help of our vine selection Partners, and published on this site, is the property of IFV and INRAE. No full or partial copy may be made of the said information without prior approval from IFV and INRAE. Contact: Laurent Audeguin (IFV).
Information given on the Pl@ntGrape site is the property of IFV - INRAE - Institut Agro | Montpellier. Any quotation from the Pl@ntGrape site or from information concerning vine varieties and clones, must carry the following credit: “Pl@ntGrape, Catalogue of Vines Cultivated in France, IFV – INRAE – Institut Agro | Montpellier, 2009-2021”.
Contact: Thierry Lacombe (Institut Agro | Montpellier), Christophe Sereno (IFV), Cécile Marchal (INRAE).
Users are responsible for the searches they make and for the interpretation and use they make of the results of such searches. They must use these in accordance with current legislation and the recommendations of the French data protection authority (CNIL: wherever data is nominative.
Users are notably informed that the information may not be used for either commercial or advertising purposes and that taking screenshots to reconstitute or enrich a nominative database is against the French law and is therefore prohibited.
The setting of hyperlinks by third parties to published pages or documents may constitute an infringement of copyright and requires permission.
Permission will be granted if the links do not prejudice the interests of IFV – INRAE – Institut Agro | Montpellier and guarantee that the user is able to identify the origin of document, especially in the case of deep linking, framing or insertion by links.
PlantGrape supports agricultural research and sustainable development.